
  1. Brunlea

    What is PMR446?

    PMR446 (Private Mobile Radio, 446 MHz) is a licence-exempt service in the UHF radio frequency band. It's commonly used for short-range communication, both for personal and business purposes. PMR446 radios are often referred to as walkie-talkies and are popular due to their simplicity and...
  2. Brunlea

    PMR446 and dPMR radio frequencies

    PMR446 CHANNEL NUMBERPMR446 FREQUENCYCOMMENTS 1446.00625Analogue & DMR 2446.01875Analogue & DMR 3446.03125Analogue & DMR 4446.04375Analogue & DMR 5446.05625Analogue & DMR 6446.06875Analogue & DMR 7446.08125Analogue & DMR 8446.09375Analogue & DMR 9446.10625Analogue & DMR...
  3. Brunlea

    Alinco Alinco DJ-X100E

    Alinco have recently released a new radio scanner called the Alinco DJ-X100E. More details below: DJ-X100 receives 30MHz to 470MHz on a single VFO with almost flat sensitivity. The radio waveforms are FM/NFM/AM/NAM for analog, DCR/NXDN/DMR/D-STAR/C4FM for digital. Covers V/UHF 30~470MHz with...
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